Category Archives: Uncategorized

Forget the Polar Vortex, Bring On the Rain


Welcome to my new blog! I look forward to sharing and exchanging ideas and stories with everyone as the year unfolds.

March is delivering the goods in my community gardens at Ocean View Farms, overlooking the Pacific. It’s the time of low greens and mega-cabbages here in coastal Zone 10. The polar vortex whipping the East seems like a far-fetched fantasy dreamed up by weather moguls in Philadelphia. Out West, we’re fighting drought and praying for snowpack. A rainy March day is a holiday for us urban farmers, an excuse to skip work, play hooky, and set out thirsty little lettuce seedlings.

These infrequent rainy days are also a perfect excuse to hunker down, guilt-free, in the welcome gloom under skylights drumming with water, and break off a lazy morning padding about, daydreaming, drawing and blogging.


I may take a while to get rolling here, but I’m a regular contributor to, an inspiring source for innovative ideas, both practical and philosophical. I invite you to visit and troll the copious archives…with one caveat. You might want to choose a rainy day. There’s a whole lot of fascinating stuff to discover, and it’s easy to lose track of time surfing around.

Off to plant baby broccoli. Talk soon.
